The Postpartum 30 Practitioner Certificate
Master the Art of Asian Postpartum Confinement Care to Enhance Your Postnatal Services

Learn to adapt the Asian postpartum Confinement practice into a childbirth recovery program that resonates personally with the mothers and families you serve!
Request a Postpartum Cultural Competency training for your organization, clinic, or team HERE (tailored to your needs based on Dr Lau's Postpartum 30 Method as taught in this certificate).
Strengthen Client Trust with Your Enhanced Cultural Knowledge
Clients and patients feel more assured knowing you've done more that "just another cultural sensitivity training".
You'll complete a practical course on the nuances of Confinement care and how to respectfully adapt it for different mothers and families.
Expand Your Client Base with a Unique Offering
Drastically expand your ability to grow your business, practice, and service!
All participating and actively licensed Postpartum 30 Practitioners will be listed in our e-YueZi program for mums and families to hire in their local area.
And guess what? No referral fees will be taken by us whenever you sign on a client!
Unlock New Opportunities and Partnerships
Learn the “lingo” of other disciplines and industries related to postpartum, maternal and child health, and family well-being. Grow your referral network!
This certificate also comes with a ONE YEAR membership to the Postpartum Innovator's Hub - where those passionate about innovating the postpartum field comes together!
Maintain Your Health On the Job
Caregiving in postpartum is grueling for everyone involved - even when you're paid to do it.
You'll learn how to manage the health challenges that come with providing Confinement care.
You can only give your best when you're at your best!
You want to adapt this cultural postpartum practice into your Service but you're not sure how.
You're wondering:
Stop Guessing How to Balance Traditional & Modern Postpartum Care — Get Started with The Postpartum 30 Practitioner Certificate!
" Chinese mothers who underwent doing-the-month rituals had a greater sense of restfulness, mindfulness, maternal self-esteem, and confidence to breastfeed and learn about infant care. "

(Excerpts from the 2021 study 'Immigrant Southeast and East Asian mothers’ transnational postpartum cultural practices: A meta-ethnography'. DOI 10.1177/17455065211060640)
- Three themes emerged: (1) importance of maintaining postpartum cultural practices; (2) barriers of “doing the month”; and (3) modification: practicality over tradition.
- Some Southeast and East Asian (SEEA) mothers, immigrant and non-immigrant alike, still observe postpartum cultural practices to the extent that it is practical and affirms their cultural identity.
- Therefore, before maternity care providers meet with SEEA perinatal mothers, they should first attempt to understand the cultural background, including their history, social structure, cosmology, and traditional healing practices.
The Postpartum 30 Practitioner Certificate can provide you with specialized knowledge and practical skills to provide culturally sensitive postpartum care!
Elevate your postnatal care service and postpartum cultural expertise in just 4 weeks!
Learn directly from Dr Kristal Lau, the leading authority in postpartum wellness and culturally sensitive postnatal care, and the award-wining author of Postpartum 30!
Meet Your Instructor:
Dr Kristal lau

Dr. Kristal Lau is the leading authority in postpartum wellness and culturally sensitive postnatal care. Her mission is to disrupt the status quo in postpartum, maternal care, paternal care, and family well-being by redefining industry standards and getting involved in policy.
Dr Lau brings over 10 years of combined experience and knowledge in clinical medicine, scientific research, public health, and lifestyle medicine. Her professional network and cross-industry collaborations extend into the field of perinatal health, sleep medicine, traditional Chinese medicine, birth-work, and the startup industry.
Dr Lau is the postpartum subject matter expert speaker at various academic and industry conferences. She's consulted for postnatal retreat startups.
While her family was stationed at the United States Army Garrison Wiesbaden, Germany, Dr Lau faciliated postpartum workshops and support groups, and appeared as a postpartum guest expert on the Armed Forces Network Wiesbaden radio show.
Dr Las was the previous Director of Education for the Military Birth Resource Network and Postpartum Coalition (MBRNPC) non-profit.
Current Engagements

past Engagements

Dr Lau's also no stranger to the challenges of motherhood. Having personally experienced postpartum depression, dysphoric milk ejection reflex, pregnancy-induced sleep apnoea, and the isolation of parenting abroad (#militarylife), she understands first-hand the struggles of new moms.
Dr Lau also practiced Confinement herself; the first time while living in deep south Alabama, USA , and the second time in urban Germany. She's a Malaysian who has lived in Australia, USA, Germany, and France.
With Dr. Kristal Lau’s guidance, you’ll gain the tools, and cultural and industry insights to craft effective postpartum care for mothers and families.
- European Lifestyle Medicine Certificate: Health and Fitness Lifestyle Advisor, European Lifestyle Medicine Organization, Switzerland (2023)
- Master of Public Health - Health Care Organization and Policy, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB), USA (2021)
- Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS), University of Queensland, Australia (2013) [MD equivalent]
- Bachelor of Medical Sciences (Honours), International Medical University, Malaysia (2011)
Dr. Lau has shown that she looks holistically at the patient's situation, and I have observed that she strives to balance best patient outcomes with the fiscal imperatives that are present in most health systems in the current time.
She always ensures that patients and their families have all of the information required for them to make an informed decision in relation to ongoing care.
(Professional Recommendation Letter Excerpt)
Donna Curro
Social Worker, Townsville Hospital, Australia
Dr. Kristal has taken upon herself to explain to family, carers, and patients the medical implications, sometimes dealing with emotionally distressed individuals face-on.
I have every confidence that Kristal will undertake the challenges ahead with enthusiasm and learn what is necessary quickly and effectively. She will be an asset to any team.
(Professional Recommendation Letter Excerpt)
Riri Santoso
Senior Physiotherapist, Townsville Hospital, Australia
Inside the postpartum 30 practitioner certificate
Week 1: Introductions
(May 1-9 & June 9-8, 2025)
Week 2: Workshop Week
Week 3: Complete Assignments
(May 19-23 & June 23-27)
Week 4: Private Feedback & Get Your Certificate!
(May 26-30 & June 20-July 4)
This Certificate is For:
To Earn the certificate, you must:
Activities & Materials:

Create a postpartum journey filled with bonding, serenity and love
Dr abby medcalf, phd
Psychologist, Author, TEDx Speaker

No matter how much planning you do, you can’t control what happens when you give birth.
But what the amazing Dr. Kristal Lau so brilliantly teaches, is that you can control what comes next.
Having a medically trained professional who bridges modern and traditional health practices by your side, you’ll be able to create a postpartum journey filled with bonding, serenity and love.
(Postpartum 30 Book Editorial Review)

What You'll Learn
The basics of postpartum
You're not expected to understand deep science and physiology of postpartum to provide care for mothers and families. You're definitely not expected to know deep clinical information.
All you need are the basics so you have an idea of what's happening to the people (and pets) involved during this time after childbirth. Most importantly, you'll learn how your role in maintaining and enriching the health and well-being of postpartum mothers and families fits into the postpartum care field.
Material Reference: Additional reading will be provided for your curiosity (no test questions from here)
Learning Goals:
- Basics of Postpartum Physiology - Western & Eastern Chinese Medicine Principles
- What is Matrescence and Patrescence? Health and Well-Being Concerns during this Transition
- Status Quo of Modern Postpartum Care
- Demands and Needs of Modern Mothers and Families - What are the Gaps in Modern Postpartum Care?
- Dr Kristal Lau's Working Definition of 'Postpartum Wellness'
- How to Use this Information to Enchance Your Postnatal Service / Practice / Program
Assignment: 20 Multiple Choice Questions (Open Book)
How to Use this certificate
Learning more is always great but what do you do with your new knowledge and skills? How can you (respectfully) apply a cultural postpartum practice to your practice, business, or service?
This module describes the role of each postnatal industry player and how you can work together in the context of Confinement care.
Learning Goals:
- How to collaborate with clinicians, non-clinicians, multi- and interdisciplinary teams, and cross-industry partnerships
- Using this Certificate For Clinicians e.g. physicians, midwives, Chinese medicine practitioners, nurses, nutritionists, physio- / physical therapists, etc.
- Using this Certificate For Non-Clinicians e.g. doulas, lactation consultants, nannies, yue sao / pui yuet, newborn care specialists, coaches, etc.
- Using this Certificate For Practice Managers / Owners
- Using this Certificate For Business Owners / C-Suiters
Assignment: None
What is Confinement? A Cultural Postpartum Practice

Did you know that there are variations in the Confinement practice in the East? This module introduces you to a brief overview of Confinement in the East then we dive into the Chinese Confinement practice - then and now.
This module is important because you can extend your knowledge to other Asian practices - you can ask your Asian clients and patients better questions to tailor a postpartum care program for them.
Material Reference: The Postpartum 30 Book (provided with this Certificate) and additional reading for your curiosity
Learning Goals:
- Overview of the Regional, Ethnic, and Familial Variations of Confinement
- Brief History of the Chinese Confinement Practice, Zuo Yue Zi
- Traditional Chinese Confinement Practices
- Chinese Medicine Confinement Principles v.s. Confinement Superstition / Taboos
- Consumer Behaviour, Cultural Expectations, and Generational Expectations Around the Confinement Practice
- Trends in Chinese Confinement Across the Globe
Assignment: 20 Multiple Choice Questions (Open Book)

Kristal does an excellent job of explaining traditional confinement practices in terms of social and cultural norms, and traditional Chinese medicine understandings.
Then she takes this one step further and measures these up against modern lifestyle and modern Western medicine.
(Postpartum 30 Book Editorial Review)
Dr Sarah Tedjasukmana
GP and Co-Founder of Sydney Perinatal Doctors, Australia

What I enjoyed was the inclusion of the male spouses and partners during this time which during traditional times, they were excluded.
The author gives excellent explanations and modern medicine during postpartum period and the changes between them with suggestions on how to manage this time.
(Postpartum 30 Book Editorial Review)
Dr Kavipriya Soma
General practitioner obstetrician (GPO), Director of Athena Women's Clinic, Australia

The Postpartum 30 Method - The Theory

Part One of how Dr Kristal Lau's flagship method can help you adapt the Confinement practice for your clients and patients in their modern and/or Western lifestyle. Dive deep into the Postpartum 30 Method framework.
Material Reference: The Postpartum 30 Book (provided with this certificate)
Learning Goals:
- What is the Postpartum 30 Method
- Core Principles of the Postpartum 30 Method
- The Postpartum 30 Method Framework and Steps
- The Framework in Detail
- Confinement and Postpartum Planning
- Challenging Harmful Traditions Respectfully
- Coaching Mothers, Fathers, and Families How to Include Their Elders / Family Members i.e. Setting Boundaries and Managing Expectations
Assignment: At least ONE Confinement and Postpartum Planning Case Study
The Postpartum 30 Method - The Practical
Part Two of how Dr Kristal Lau's flagship method can help you adapt the Confinement practice for your clients and patients in their modern and/or Western lifestyle. Put the Postpartum 30 Method concepts to practice!
Material Reference: The Postpartum 30 Book (provided with this certificate)
Learning Goals:
- Where and When to Apply the Postpartum 30 Method
- How to Apply the Postpartum 30 Method Alongside:
- Western Postpartum Care
- Traditional Chinese Medicine and other traditional and complementary therapies
- In Hospital
- How to Adapt the Postpartum 30 Method to:
- Vaginal Birth
- C-Sections
- Complicated Births / Medical Complications / Emergencies
- Elder Family Members Coming to Care for the Mother and Family
- Celebrations After Confinement
- The Full Moon
- The 100 Days
Assignment: Continue with the Confinement and Postpartum Planning Case Study
The Saturday 8-Hour Live Virtual Workshop
What to Expect
Special Considerations, Including Your Health
Trigger Warning: Death and Stillbirth Topic
Sometimes things don't go as planned or tragedy happens like stillbirths and/or maternal mortality. But parents and the family still need healing - physical and emotional. The Confinement practice can offer some structure during this vulnerable time.
This is one of the many reasons why you (as a provider and caregiver) need to optimise and maintain your health and well-being. Shift work is also harsh on our health so it's important to have a wellness plan in place for yourself.
You can only give your best when you're at your best.
Learning Goals:
- How to Navigate Losses: Infant and/or Maternal Deaths
- Health Maintenance and Burnout Prevention in Caregiving:
- Impact of Long Shift Work on Health and Resilience - especially on Women's Health
- Protecting Yourself at Your Workplace - Common Health Conditions You May Be Exposed To and How to Manage Them
- Tips on Health Maintenance and Resilience Building For Long Shift Work
Assignment: None
certificate BONUS
Join this cross-industry and interdisciplinary network of professionals and leaders to advance the postpartum field!
Your tips to modernize confinement practices; I really loved your suggestions and ideas in each of the sections. I enjoyed how you are challenging the ancient philosophy of “controlling your emotions..etc.”
Kendal Major
CEO & Founder of Ocehua, Early Reader Review
What a great idea! I think this would be a good chance to help transition between the two cultures of eastern and western medicine. Sometimes, opening a line of communication and acknowledging both sides help people open up more.
Yena Song
Asian Hustle Network Member, Book Survey Response
There's a gap there that Western medicine did not fill, where once the baby is out you're on your own. Making this kind of knowledge accessible is a great idea!
Denise Li
Asian Hustle Network Member, Book Survey Response
certificate investment
Basic Package
USD 3,880
- Access to course videos and materials, private forum, and course bonuses
- 8-hour LIVE workshop
- Only 45-minute private 1-on-1 feedback
- No additional co-working with Dr Kristal Lau
- No Private WhatsApp access to Dr Kristal Lau
- No access to self-care workshop
Available to split into 2 payments, interest-free.
USD 5,080
Only 3 Spots per Cohort
- Access to course videos and materials, private forum, and course bonuses
- 8-hour LIVE workshop
Additional Benefits:
- 90-minute private 1-on-1 feedback (instead of 45 minutes) [stand-alone value = USD 580 per hour]
- Co-working 2 hours with Dr Kristal Lau in Week 3 of the program to further develop your practice and more coaching [priceless; only offered to ELITE VIPs]
- Private WhatsApp text access to Dr Kristal Lau for the entire program (4 weeks) [replies within 24-48 hours during business days. Stand-alone value = USD 3,080 for one month]
- 3-Hour Self-Care For Health Professionals and Care Providers * Virtual Workshop with Dr Kristal Lau (redeem within the year) [stand-alone value = USD 1,080]
* Dr Lau is the European Lifestyle Medicine Organization's Self-Care for Health Professionals workshop facilitator since 2023. She runs this workshop 3 times a year for the organization's professional certificate program. She also facilitates these workshops for exclusive groups of people. You'll be receiving the best guidance for self-care following the European Lifestyle Medicine approach!
Available to split into 2 payments, interest-free.