To book Dr Lau for media appearances, please contact Ms. Lee Sien at LEESIEN@BRIDGESINHEALTH.COM with the email subject "Media Enquiry"
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Excerpt: [full article here]
"Military spouse Kristal LaFrance, who has been a member of the Wiesbaden community since 2020, was part of the In-Processing and Out-Processing Improvement LOE 4 group.
One goal her group discussed was increasing spouse and spouse sponsorship involvement with the In and Out- Processing program. The group discussed ideas to accomplish this, such as rescheduling in-processing and out-processing classes to better match spouse availability, paying for sponsor daycare, and coordinating classes with the shuttle bus schedule.
LaFrance said that participating in the event made her feel closer to the community. In addition to being appreciative of the invite to participate in the meeting, LaFrance also enjoyed that the Garrison offered to pay childcare for the participating spouses.
“The biggest thing for me was not only were we invited for it, (the Garrison) also paid for childcare all three days,” she said. “That to me is an even bigger sign from the garrison (saying) that ‘we not only want you here, but we really value you to have your full-self and presence here.’”
While childcare can often be a challenge for all military families, LaFrance said it’s especially difficult while stationed overseas.
“If we don’t have a spot at the CDC (Child Development Center), or we can’t afford to pay for eight hours of childcare for three days, then a lot of spouses wouldn’t attempt to volunteer at these events,” she explained."
Excerpt: [full article here]
"Consider Dr. Kristal Lau who juggles her postpartum and maternal wellness practice while being the primary caregiver for her two daughters since her husband serves in the military. She sometimes struggles to feel valued for her domestic and emotional labor.
“There’s no award or praise for the work I do. No proactive initiative to take the mental and physical load off of me even when it’s clear I’m drowning,” says Kristal. “And when my children do things that are amazing, thoughtful, and skillful, there’s almost zero praise for me that I taught them well…as though they magically obtained those skills and behaviors at a tender toddler age.”
But she aims to change that. She notes that companies celebrate their top performers and the military does as well. Moms deserve nothing less.
“I’ve stopped buying into the harmful narrative of how women family caregivers need to ‘just suck it up’ and how we don’t deserve praise because ‘it’s your job,’” she explains. “I’ve started praising all my friends who are mothers…and any other mothers I have the honor of meeting through my business or volunteering in our military community.” ”
Excerpt: [full article here]
"Sometimes, you might find yourself taking two steps back for every step forward. And that's okay. Because your next step forward is a chance to pivot into a different direction and pave your own path!"
To book Dr Lau for media appearances, please contact Ms. Lee Sien at LEESIEN@BRIDGESINHEALTH.COM with the email subject "Media Enquiry"